Hey Guys,
Blank Loot is just a fun idea and not really a sophisticated project. You can purchase or mint blank loot cards and can customize the content to whatever the fuck you want.
- All 8 Lines of text can be customized
- Metadata Name can be customized
- Color, Background and Border can be set
At the end this will form one huge 10.000 x 350 x 350 size image, purely made by the community.
Open Sea here: https://opensea.io/collection/blankloot
Contract here: Contract Address 0x2d652a0d3f3269e0eef5473661e354e75f3e82fd | PolygonScan
Claim via contract, no need to find a free id…just use the claim button
Modify via contract
- setColor → modify colors
- setMeta → modify metadata
- updateData → modify the 8 text lines (each line 60 characters max)