where to start.
well, theres a lot of us in http://npc.builders
We are the NPC Guild after all.
As adventurers…well…adventure, NPCs are always in the background making sure the simulation continues.
We’ve got plans, a lot of plans, and we dont only exists if the Loot Hyperverse does , but you all do create an ever expansive world we can exist in!
Head over to our https://twitter.com/npcloot (working on the /npcguild slug in the meantime) and see our pin to grab an xDAI (gasless) POAP to auth in our discord and join the NPC Guild.
NPC Guild is a LARP between NFT “Project Management” Community a growing group of builders in web3 and specifically nfts and is not officially affiliated with lootproject…
but we’d like to!
if we can be