Loot Infinity - a strategy game for Loot and an experiment to drive collaboration among Loot community members via economic incentives

I like to introduce Loot Infinity - a strategy game for Loot and an experiment to drive collaboration among Loot community members via economic incentives.

When Dom launched Loot, he purposely omitted functionality for others to “interpret” (or should be “develop”?). One functionality to develop is collaboration among community members, a challenge facing every decentralized community. This project is an attempt.

The 1st round of the 13 rounds game is Loot Infinity Squad. To mint a LootInfinitySquad NFT, two unique Loot tokens are required. Alice and Bob who each have only 1 Loot bag want to mint a Squad NFT and make some money (assuming it is selling at 10 ETH). They cannot mint a Squad NFT individually and they have to collaborate! What is the strategy for 1) How to split the 10 ETH? 2) Who will take the lead and the market price risk? 3) Whether to take a non leading role and earn a small guaranteed profit but not the huge upside? Can Loot community members collaborate to achieve their shared goals together? Which strategy choices will they use? LET’S PLAY to find out!

Etherscan: LootInfinitySquad | 0x937afebb85a782cfed60227fcfe6f365bcbac197
OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/lootinfinitysquad

To play the game, Alice who wants to take the leading role can call the “createSquad” to initiate the minting of a Squad NFT and must provide an incentive in ETH (say, 3 ETH). Bob who wants to take the non leading role can call the “joinSquad” to finish the minting process. After minting, Bob will receive the incentive (3 ETH) and Alice will receive the NFT (which can be sold for 10 ETH, 7 ETH profit for Alice). Alice can call “cancelSquad” to cancel the minting and get a refund for any reason, for example, Bob thinks 3 ETH incentive is not enough and does not want to join.

There are only 4096 LootInfinitySquad (LISQUAD) NFTs. Each NFT will display each component that combines the corresponding components of the two underlying Loot NFTs, and should have the power of two Loot NFTs (whatever people think the power is of course :-). 4000 NFTs can be minted requiring 8000 Loot NFTs and 96 will be reserved for the contract owner. A fee of 10% of the incentive (minimum 0.03ETH) will be collected so as to establish the floor price for each Squad NFT.

The LootInfinitySquad (LISQUAD) NFTs are required to mint NFTs in the next round of the game. The 13 rounds game names and their numbers of NFTs are: Squad(4096) => Platoon(2048) => Company (1024) => Battalion(512) => Regiment(256) => Brigade(128) => Division(64) => Corp(32) => Theater(16) => Earth(8) => Solar(4) => Galaxy(2) => Universe(1). To mint the final only ONE LootInfinityUniverse NFT, ALL 8000 Loot NFTs need to participate in the game. It will be a miracle! And fate is in the hands of the Loot community!

What’s your strategy if you are holding only 1 Loot bag and you believe a Squad NFT can be sold for 10 ETH? Will you provide 3 ETH as incentive for another Loot bag holder and packet 7 ETH? Will another bag holder accept 3 ETH and help you to make 7 ETH or alternatively mint his/her own Squad NFT to make more?

What’s your strategy if you are holding 2 Loot bags and you believe a Squad NFT can be sold for 10 ETH? Will you use your 2 bags to mint 1 Squad NFT and make 10 ETH or alternatively give 3 ETH per Squad NFT as incentive and potentially make 14 ETH instead?

There will be so many strategy choices and the outcome will be determined by the dynamic among Loot community members. LET’S PLAY!