Loot on BSC (Binance Smartchain)

Claim your Loot on Binance smartchain. Free mint started.
Contract address 0xE0980e1c0fd0420913e14916306494e32aA17928

How to claim:
1/ go to contract address on BSCScan
2/ click Contract tab
3/ click Write Contract sub-tab
4/ click Connect to web3 (this connects to MetaMask)
5/ click function such as Claim
6/ fill in a number 1-8000, click Write


Been waiting for this for a while.

I think low gas cost is a necessity for NFT.

Good job!


Original Loot holders can’t even mint one? In such case what does bLoot have anything to do with Loot?

Shouldn’t bLoot, if done right, allow Loot holders on ETH to claim a corresponding bLoot on BSC?



First, welcome!

There’s no rule yet on how builders should promote their new experiment (loot on binance in this case) but i’d like to put some basics principles on the table:

  • First, tell us who you’re. Not in real life, but as a builder & loot lover.
  • Why you’re doing this project? Especially on Binance? Please give us as much details as you can



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:blush: :crazy_face:BSC’s NFT he changed how to find him in my wallet

where can I see my bloot in my wallet?sir

mLoot on BSC (Binance smart chain)

Same as the original mLoot on Ethereum but without a gas price for mint.
Mint with bag 8001+
Dynamic supply. Increases at 1/10th of block rate. Current cap ~1M.
No fee, just gas, which is almost zero on BSC.
Mint some for friends and yourself.


Frontend for convenience https://mloot.app/

Share link with friends.

Marketplace on BSC for Loot and derivatives is coming soon.

Discord lootproject.world

Where can I see my Loot? I already minted but in which platform I can see it???

Yeah… but I mean… it’s Binance…

TimeLoot is a limited time NFT game on BSC.

NFT can be upgraded through STP (a ERC20 token, you can get it while mint a NFT).

As time changes, NFT will also change. Let’s play together and build Loot Metaverse.

contract: Contract Address 0xdbd1db0902be8ab638567206e0362e9ec0bdccb1 | BscScan

docs: ⏳ Time Loot - HackMD