Re-posting my suggestion on another thread about AGLD distribution (here: Every new player should have the same fighting chance - #7 by orangemarmelada) :
How do we go about making this fair for new players? I say give everyone the same fighting change, in time. And make that time worthwhile for them.
I’ve got one idea that works in two parts. It needs tweaking but its worth a shot:
Part 1: We introduce a tiered system for AGLD. The fork we introduce of AGLD creates an inflationary currency (say ASLV - Adventurers Silver) that follows the mLoot SC creation events.
100 ASLV for each mLoot owner, ~131M total supply. And ~25m new ASLV every year after that for new mLoot owners.
Slowing down sybil attacks: If an address already owns a Loot along with its mLoot, it can’t mint ASLV. If the wallet has several mLoot, it can only mint once.
Yes, yes, I know anyone can transfer their mLoots to virgin addresses and still claim ASLV that way. But the purpose is not to make it impossible (which arguably is impossible) to stop the same people from minting ASLV through different addresses, it is to make it a hassle for people to game the system.
More hassle introduced in part 2…
Part 2: A new round of AGLD (actual AGLD) is minted and put in a treasury. Say 100m now and 25m at the yearly mLoot issuance event.
That treasury distributes AGLD to mLoot holders that participate in mLoot exclusive game events such as, fighting world bosses that can be attacked only by mLoot owning addresses. On top of that those mLoot owners will also earn unique Boss Loot or Event Loot from the events they participate in (see for example On Chain World Boss (for Adventurers))
Same Sybil rules apply to mLoot events as for minting ASLV i.e mLoot exclusive events are only accessible to single mLoot holding (+ non-Loot holding) addresses. Once an address associated to a specific mLoot # reaches 5k AGLD (received from the AGLD Treasury), any address owning that specific mLoot # cannot participate in mLoot exclusive events anymore. Instead they can only participate to world events i.e events accessible to both Loot and mLoot owners.
Think of these events as a way of onboarding new players in a way thats fun, lucrative and gives a sense of “grind to get up to speed”. All good MMORPGs I’ve played have that. Newcomers will start creating groups and guilds to help each other in those exclusive events and farm events together until they can’t anymore.
This way AGLD does not get diluted in one single big event but slowly overtime and for the purpose of rewarding and recognising the participation of active new players and mLoot owners. I’d argue the value of AGLD would only increase because of that because it isn’t just sent to random addresses that own a mLoot, its sent and owned by addresses that have shown a willingness to actual play and participate to the game.
Quick last note regarding Part 1: we could also consider minting more than ~131M + 25m/y ASLV and instead add an extra 10% supply to each minting event that is dedicated to a treasury that feeds new mLoot owners the same way that the AGLD treasury does, ie. for active participation in mLoot game events.